Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Emperors Clothes Technology Challenge

Task: Design two jackets, a skirt and a pair of pants out of newspaper and tape. Every group member must wear an item.

YouTube Video

Cultural festival.

I'm going to the cultural festival tonight.I fell like I'm going to wet my pant.
Room 3 are rade

Monday, 12 August 2013

Goal Setting Term 3

My literacy goal is to keep improving my spelling.
I will keep learning my spelling words at home and write more stories. I will underline the words I know I have spelt wrong and then edit with Mum and Dad.

My maths goal is to learn my 6 times tables and revise all table up to 6.

My values goal (achievement) is to get really good at chicken coop fractions on the iPad.
I will practice any chance I get to use the iPad.